We offer teeth whitening procedures to patients that want to improve their appearance by making their smile more beautiful. A bright white smile is something to behold and according to a study conducted by British universities Leeds and Central Lancashire, people with white and evenly spaced teeth were perceived to be more attractive by both men and women. They took pictures of models and Photoshopped them to make teeth a yellow shade, white, or bright white. Overwhelmingly, people with yellow teeth were found to be less attractive. Fortunately, our procedures are an easy way to whiten teeth and are pain-free. People have commonly thought that the more attractive you are, the better life is. This seemed like a myth, and the University of California set out to determine if it was true. They focused on researching whether or not being attractive made someone more successful at work, and found that indeed it does. People considered to be more attractive made an average of 12% more than their peers, were deemed to be more helpful, and a better team player. The only distinguishing factor was their physical appearance. In order to determine how much a beautiful smile elevates a person’s attractiveness, Oral-B conducted their own study. They asked 2,000 people a variety of questions, and found that people with a beautiful smile were thought to be 20% more attractive. This is a clear indicator that when people improve their smile, they can directly impact their appearance and how people perceive them. This is an important step to increasing the chances of success at work and tooth whitening is an easy way to do it. At our office, we provide professional teeth whitening that can whiten teeth by up to eight shades. This will produce dramatic results that make a strong impact in how the smile looks overall. Looking again at the Leeds and Central Lancashire study, people with white teeth were viewed as healthier. As a dentist, our main concern is the health of our patients. We provide preventative dentistry that includes regular teeth cleanings to remove bacteria and plaque. This can prevent cavities and gum disease. If any oral infections are found, we can treat them right away so that the infection is not allowed to spread. By keeping the teeth and gums healthy, a smile naturally looks more beautiful. For those that want the additional edge, we can create custom teeth whitening trays. A mold is taken of a patient’s mouth and the trays, or guards, are created in a lab to fit perfectly. We then provide professional grade whitening solution that can be placed inside. The trays should be worn for a couple of hours every night for a week. If they reach the desired shade of white during that time frame, a patient can stop using them. If not, they can be worn longer. This is a simple solution for improving a person’s smile that can have dramatic results and statistically influence their success in other areas of life.